A repository of automated speech assessors
Code and design philosophy that may inform the development of an automated interpreting assessment system
Code and design philosophy that may inform the development of an automated interpreting assessment system
This is in response to an interview question.
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MulDi Chinese measures the register of Chinese texts using 60 features and summarises it on 4 dimensions.
Python, machine learning, deep learning tutorials, including MRI image data processing
Useful links on concepts in regression analysis
Published in print and e-version, 2021
Recommended citation: Cohen, Paul A. (2021/2022). Traditional and simplified Chinese versions of A Path Twice Traveled: My Journey as a Historian of China. N. Liu, Trans. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press; Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press.
Published in Interpreting, 2022
[Article] [Appendices] [Data and code] [Preprint] [Slides]
Recommended citation: Liu, N. (2022). Speaking in the first-person singular or plural: A multifactorial, speech corpus-based analysis of institutional interpreters. Interpreting. https://doi.org/10.1075/intp.00088.liu
Published in Translating and Interpreting Political Discourse: New Trends and Perspectives, 2022
Recommended citation: Liu, N. (2022). Register shifts in political conference interpreting: A multidimensional analysis. In J. Pan, S. L. Halverson, & J. Munday (Eds.), Translating and Interpreting Political Discourse: New Trends and Perspectives. Leiden: Brill.
Abstract in Castagnoli, S., S. Bernardini, A. Ferraresi, M. Miličević Petrović (eds) 2021.
Summer course, Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2015
Summer course, Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2016
MA course, Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2017
Spring & Fall 2017, Fall 2018
Undergraduate course, Translation Programme, HKU, 2017
Spring 2017 & 2018
Undergraduate course, Translation Programme, HKU, 2017
Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018 & 2019
Undergraduate course, Translation Minor Programme, NUS, 2021
Undergraduate course, Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2022
Led students to prepare for and provide simultaneous interpretation between Cantonese and English for the online symposium “Bringing Creative Writing into the Community” hosted by the Creative and Professional Writing Programme in the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing at Hong Kong Baptist University